Lalita is 72 years old and lives alone in a shelter scrambled together with tarpaulin and branches that she had found locally.
In 2017 she was swept away by a huge flood, but was…

Each day we would be met at the bottom of the bus stairs with a beaming smile from ear to ear. Peou and her daughter Mariya would be there to greet us to…
Urmila’s husband suddenly disappeared one day in 2003. The Maoist war was still raging in the country and disappearances were quite common during those days. Some people told her that he got killed,…

Jema, Romel & Isla, are our 65th Partner family to join the Habitat for Humanity Victoria community. With nine month old Isla, they will be making the move to Yea, and calling Lot…
Global Village is Habitat for Humanity's overseas volunteering program. Each year, we send roughly 300 volunteers overseas to help build a home for a family in need of safe and decent housing. Here,…