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Clean water for Hawa and her neighbours in Bangladesh

Access to clean water is essential to a safe and decent place to call home. Over several years we worked in Bangladesh with Habitat for Humanity Bangladesh to improve community access to safe water and hygiene.

This is one of the women impacted by the work, Hawa Begum. Hawa is a 66 year old widow who lives by running a tea stall with her one daughter in law and four grand sons and daughter. Hawa Begum and her family live hand to mouth. The family and their neighbours, previously lacked access to a safe source of water and instead relied on an unhygienic and partially functional roar pump. Beside Hawa Begum’s home there is a pre primary school where around 30 children study and who also did not have access to safe water. The teacher had to struggle to manage the children if someone felt thirsty because there was no safe water source nearby.
However, since Habitat installed a tubewell in Hawa’s area, Hawa, her neighbours and the young children have been able to safely access clean water. You can see from Hawa’s grin what a difference this is already making to her health and livelihood.





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