Lean lives in Boeung Krosal, Cambodia. For a long time, she kept looking for a house to live in for her family of seven because they didn’t own their own land or home. Most recently, they temporarily lived in their neighbour’s house after they migrated to Thailand.
“I was always worried about my family. Based on the landlord’s generosity, I had to move from place to place. For the rest of my life, I always dreamed of having a decent home.” said Lean.
Not owning their own home meant Lean and her family were always worried about where they would move to next.
“Our family is always worried about where to live. One day when the landlord returns, we will have to move to another place. It was very difficult for my children and my mother.,” said Preang, Lean’s daughter-in-law.
In November 2021, Lean and her family found peace and certainty when they worked with Habitat for Humanity Cambodia via the “New Start, New Life” program to build a house on a new 10-metre by 30-metre plot of land. The local authority worked with Habitat Cambodia by recommending Lean.

Lean is now a farmer who grows vegetables for a living. She is more self-sufficient and supports her family even better through family development training and a small grant to help her grow vegetables and raise chickens.
“I was so excited because I never thought I would have a house and land that belonged to me at this age. My family and I no longer feel insecure about our living, and we no longer need to move from place to place,” said Lean.
“I planted some crops including wax gourd, chilli, bottle gourd, tomato, eggplant and built a chicken coop with 10 chickens. I could earn about 5,000 to 10,000 riels (US$2.5) in a day from selling vegetables. I will expand my farming and chicken raising and I hope my livelihood will be better,”

This project receives support from the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and is in partnership with our implementing partner Habitat for Humanity Cambodia to provide access to safe shelter.